Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pulling the Rug Out From Under Patent Trolling

Patent trolling is a phenomena caused by the current state of patent law. Most engineers and entrepreneurs believe that it drains money from them, and is a blight on the industry. Many proposals for patent reform aim to reduce the duration of copyrights and patents. I think that the real problem is economic. The current state of affairs allows patent trolls to spend very little money to sue and expect a relatively large amount of money in return. Major patent and copyright reform is not necessary to solve this. Laws should be written to make patent trolling (when the plaintiff is clearly in the wrong) extremely expensive for the plaintiff and worthwhile for the defendant. Ideally, when I am sued by a patent troll, I should be happy and consider it a financial windfall.


  1. I agree that patent trolls and the current state of patent law is a blight on the technology industry, and that something needs to be done. I'm not sure patents should be things that are able to be bought and sold, but I don't have a good solution to the current problem.

  2. I don't know the solution either, but making going to court for the defendant a financial windfall makes no sense in my mind.
