Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dissecting White Collar Crime

I think that there are several reasons white collar crimes are common today. First, there is great social stigma against crimes like robbery or violence, but "creative accounting" and copyright violation are generally encouraged in our culture. The second reason, mostly restricted to management, is that earning a massive paycheck bloats the ego and makes people feel like they can do no wrong. The third reason, which I think is more prevalent in STEM fields, is that engineers and scientists are in demand and feel like they are difficult to replace. These are underlying problems that need to be addressed.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Things They Didn't Teach You In College

Here are some things I've learned on the job that college did not prepare me for. Hopefully it will help some people.
  • Don't lie to anyone, it does terrible things to your reputation.  Corollary: If you can't say anything nice about someone, keep your mouth shut.
  • Keep a record of your work in a spreadsheet, including hours worked. This might save your bacon one day when an enterprising co-worker accuses you, but it's mostly so you can visually see how you're doing and make corrections if necessary.
  • Deliver. You are answerable to your boss, do the tasks which are assigned to you. If your company does not use task tracking software, you should write everything down so that you don't forget anything.
  • If you can't deliver, give notice. As you gain experience you'll become familiar with your own ability to perform work. If you think you won't be able to meet a deadline you originally committed to, send a quick email to your boss letting him know ASAP.
  • Learn to communicate. I've found that many engineers are bad at this. Before you write an email, or get up from your desk to talk to anyone, lay out in your head exactly what you need and how you're going to ask for it.
  • Be mindful of office politics. You don't have to participate in it, but keep your eyes open. Much of the resistance you will get from your co-workers in a large office is tribal.